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Indigo 3 Contracts

Writer's picture: Divine NagaDivine Naga

The Indigo 3 Polarity Integrator contracts, many of which have been recently released, have synthesized biological code that allows the template of the Oraphim blueprint to return to the Earth Plane. This is new Indigo 3 information as we had only been given detail in regard to the Nephilim Reversal Grid (hybridized code reversals on the planetary grid damaging the Merkabah system) and other functions that the Indigo 3 Polarity Integrator was working to heal genetically for our planet. Some of the Indigo 3’s have not only been diligently building bodies to rehabilitate the Nephilim consciousness from the original hybridization issues on the earth, but also to rebuild the template structure which allows an Oraphim blueprint to exist within a human body (or work through a human body) at this density. It appears the Oraphim consciousness is a representative of the Founder Guardian Races and is making its debut within this density for the first time ever. I am currently undergoing this process. Many of you may have noticed this as well. Your sudden proclivity to eat differently, working on your body, on a anti particle and particle basis, etc.. Emphatically WE stress and as I have stated in the True Histories posts: "Under normal circumstances, we do not interfere with a Universal Time Matrix, leaving that to the Guardians. In this case, we have had to intervene numerous times. We have had no choice but to intervene here again to save the Human Species from extinction and to repair the damaged DNA matrix back to 12 strands (Aurora Krystal River Project), as you were originally created. It has also been set that the NAA virus affecting your planet does not leave this Milky Way Galaxy. Therefore an evac order has been given for the Milky Way, the Gates will be closed off in 2230 and this will not be allowed to enter the Andromedan Galaxy of which the Milky Way was a part." 1. Indigo 3 contracts can be from incarnation birth agreements, as is this current incarnation for me, or and also, they can be assigned later in biological life cycles, such as at stages of spiritual evolution for learning purposes and for accomplishing certain goals for the person to expand consciousness and DNA template quickly. Again in my case specifically, I have actually undergone both processes, such is my mission this time in this incarnation. The second time was my death and resuscitation/resurrection May, 19th 2014. It must be noted that both process require the permission of the Being replaced. We do nothing to subjugate free will and personal sovereignty, which is why we do not facilitate or ever do 'channeling'.

Indigo 3’s have the toughest time because the responsibility for the Nephilim extension opens the person to aggressive dark attacks when progress is being made in the polarity integration of the spiritual template that holds counterbalance between the Oraphim and Nephilim. and trust me it's constant! Depending on how the person is able to understand how to work with these opposing forces, it can catapult a person’s spiritual growth and give that person a level of self-mastery which is mandatory for them to continue the next stage of their mission. Generally, the person with the Indigo 3 birth contract is working their mission for a group soul and Star system in STO, and will share their progress in the memory record and the completed blueprint for new consciousness template with all of their team members. In my case it's the bosses this time; The Oraphim. 2. People born on earth with Indigo 3 agreements generally have cellular memory histories in the timelines with power conflicts and power abuses. They may have chosen this contract in order to gain self-mastery around the world of forces both material and spiritual, and determining how best to direct their spiritual light and consciousness power while addressing the most complex issues of global, race, and social memory situations that impact races of beings. A large majority have been involved in the Galactic Wars at some point where previous strategies failed.

We needed to learn why that mission failed because most failures are centered around power abuses and making the wrong decision based on unclear intel or wrong information, at the point in time that decision was made. The team has gone back to that point in the time field to explore what we did and make corrections to the Timelines. This will show up in current life experiences where we have to solve a problem that appears impossible. This is a re-enactment of the previous timeline where you get to have a "do-over" with the same level of energies or conflict in present time. When we learn to overcome the mind and ego limitation, we learn how to work with the spiritual forces to apply consciousness power in harmless ways to solve the problem. We were Group Leaders and Generals that were managing large amounts of resources and many teams of people, such as a Fleet or Ship Commander, in other timelines of great conflict and war.

3. Indigo 3 agreements can be special forces missions that are assigned usually for periods of time. This can be assigned in cycles like 5, 7 and 10 years, in order to complete the project given. If the project is not completed within the allotted time cycle, the mission may be renewed or aborted.

Since Indigo 3’s have an emphasis on healing the discordance in the Nephilim hybridization that occurred through the Annunaki at the time of NAA invasion, the emphasis of the mission will be related to healing, recoding, shifting timelines, and reassembly of DNA that is connected to Nephilim hybridization, NRG, and the Alien Machinery that is coded to the reptilian DNA of the Annunaki. Anything and everything related to the Nephilim history and war histories will be faced, explored and dealt with and it can be very painful to experience. The person will be energetically yoked to a Nephilim essence and given responsibility for the interaction, both energetically on earth and other dimensions. This can build resentment when the person is not aware they agreed to do this level of consciousness work, as the burden will be put on the more conscious party, and that will not be the Nephilim essence. This will feel like a person or circumstance dragging you down to the Nephilim consciousness level, and the frustration and anger that essence may infect you with ( if you allow it to) in your consciousness. The goal is self-mastery on observation and acceptance of the circumstances, and being willing to accept the lesson and clearing obligation for that dynamic in whatever way it may present itself. What do you have to learn in this interaction to master yourself? 4. Common timelines to witness and heal is the end Atlantean war during the main conflicts that occurred between the Annunaki Solar Wardens and the Lyran-Sirian lines, which happened off planet on Earth and Taran stratosphere and contributed to the problems in the lower atmosphere and other densities. The example is to see the interconnection of what happens in the stratosphere above planet, and in other dimensions can have cataclysmic results on the lower earth atmosphere and magnetic field.

The goal here is to see INTERCONNECTION with all things and that nothing is separate or independent from energetic interaction. One action you make will impact the overall field, and you have to account for that. When facing these timelines, the polarities of this “war memory” will bleed through into the current earth lifetime and the person feels they are in a war zone etherically, and may not comprehend what is actually happening. This can feel like aggressive dark attacks. Consciously participating to clear the war timelines and to forgive and clear enemy patterning (To Love thy Enemy) is a main theme, because you will be faced many times with the essence of those people or situations of past timelines that tried to kill you or you tried to kill them - during the wars. 5. Indigo 3 Contract has a hidden purpose that was not revealed until rather recently, that the completion of the Indigo 3 contract is possible and that the completed project and polarity integration allows the person with that contract to be elevated to the 24-48 strand DNA imprint of Oraphim or Indigo 1 quickly, in ways that were not previously thought possible on earth.

This seemed to be hidden because this was a surprise tactic to get as many Founder level Guardians on the earth. Indigo 1 is able to easily communicate with Krystal Star and Guardian Host so about 10 years ago they started Indigo 3 ending clauses so they could get as many Indigo 1’s to incarnate on the earth in this window of time. All Indigo 3’s walking on this earth now are potentially full Oraphim template or Indigo 1’s in the near future. All must complete their mission because they must learn to master power and understand the pitfalls of power abuses from the negative ego.

Indigo 1 is a template that allows Guardian Host to connect with your consciousness and see through your eyes and record what has happened on the earth plane. Indigo 1 serves as the Guardian Host eyes, ears, mouth and everything else on the ground that reports all intel about who is doing what on earth, and reading organic versus alien machinery that was placed in the earth. these are the records. I allude to in the welcome here. THIS is the Witness to Humanities Ascension. With 48 strand DNA imprint, we can heal the earth grid effectively, we communicate directly with the group Christos Avatar of Ascension, and will be sent all over the planet to complete grid repair projects and ascending hubs, and repair planetary brain.

Suggestions for Inquiry Questions to ask if you believe you are in Indigo 3 Contract:

  • What is my mission detail to rehabilitate the Nephilim template and what do I need to know in order to consciously participate with that mission directly?

  • What levels of my ego still have control over my body, mind, thoughts and consciousness power that are potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities that allow my vessel to be used consciously or unconsciously by dark forces, Imposter Spirit or STS entities?

  • Where in my life or other lifetimes have I abused my consciousness power from my own lack of awareness, ignorance or from the Mind Control program that I have been influenced by the Controllers?

  • Will I succumb to the internal and external pressure and sell my soul and bargain my consciousness power for earthly and material gains in order to be more comfortable on earth?

  • Can I withstand the burden of humiliation and being targeted with the Victim-Victimizer program to break down my moral and ethical responsibility while enduring character defamation by those people who think I am threatening to the Controller and mind control system?

  • Where do I need to develop true humility in my life dedicated to Service to Others and increase the communication and development of the Spirits of Christ within to further develop my body, mind and consciousness?

When you can honestly address these as inner integrity issues by finding neutral point,(without taking it personal), the Krystal Star can support you and your mission in joint partnership and collaboration. This is how Timeline Override is possible. It is not about you, it is about the reclamation of Christos Mission on this earth.

Sources; Ra-Law of One, Q'uo, Anna Hayes, Dolores Cannon, The Elohim, Ascension Glossary, The Guardian Alliance



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